Unlike domesticated pigs we often encounter, wild boars are quite aggressive animals, especially dangerous when threatened or threatened.
They are distributed in many parts of the world, including the Eurasian continent, mostly in North Africa and the vast Sunda Islands.
Wild boars are known as animals that do not falter, when threatened, they are ready to attack any animal, including lions or hyenas; They also dare to cross the most dangerous places if they need to escape.
In fact, wild boars are not aggressive but their instincts for defense and revenge are very high! When her fellow humans, specifically her cubs, are attacked, the mother will not hesitate to rush out to protect, even if she has to sacrifice, she will not regret it!
There are many hunters who are seriously injured because after successfully hunting wild boars, they are suddenly attacked by the mother to take revenge at unexpected angles! Butts carrying weights of up to 2-300kg can always break the bones of careless hunters.
Likewise, even against enemies in the natural world, wild boars are uncompromising and ready to fight with all their might.
In the following clip, despite facing a mighty lion, the young wild boar still attacks without flinching. This paradoxical action made the lion quite confused and chose the “run away” option.