A heartwarming tale tells the story of an unlikely friendship between a dog with a missing paw and a little girl born with a disability. The poor pup was almost put down by breeders who feared that its imperfection would hurt the kennel’s reputation. However, the owner had a different idea and decided to give the canine a second chance at life by providing it with a home filled with love and happiness. She believed that the dog could bring joy and companionship to a specific child or wounded soldier in need. And, as fate would have it, the owner eventually found out about a child who was born without legs.
The woman made a deliberate decision to have the child admitted to the hospital. She also reached out to the parents of the girl, who were excited about the idea and felt that their daughter and the dog would be a great match.
The little girl was shown a picture of a dog by her mother. She carefully observed the image until her mother exclaimed, “Once the girl and the dog finally met, they formed an instant bond.”
As the pup’s dad looked on, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of joy as his little one started interacting with him and tossing a toy in his direction.