While pursuing a couple of suspects, police officers made a surprising discovery aboard the vehicle driven by the fugitives. This is a very young kitten whose identity of owners remains to be verified, but who is now in good hands.

Police officers rescued a kitten discovered in a stolen van after a breathtaking chase, Darkhorse Press reported on Monday, July 31.
The events took place yesterday morning, shortly after 9 a.m. local time in Madison , in the state of Mississippi (Southern United States). Madison police were called to respond to a burglary that occurred at a residence in the Windsor Hills neighborhood .
2 individuals entered the garage to steal a certain number of goods, before leaving the scene in a pick-up. The pickup truck in question, a Toyota Tundra , was reported stolen from Walker County , in the neighboring state of Alabama.
Law enforcement located the vehicle on a highway and signaled the driver to stop, but he did not comply; he preferred to continue on his way and flee. The police immediately started chasing him.
Madison police units received assistance from their colleagues at the Capitol . By joining forces, they managed to intercept the pickup and its two occupants. The suspects were identified as Steven Garner , 44, of Jasper , Alabama, and Dana Morales , 51. They were taken into police custody and will face a long list of charges; burglary, vehicle theft, refusal to comply…
Feline surprise aboard the stolen pick-up
The intervention of the police also and above all made it possible to save a precious life, that of a kitten. The latter, wearing a magnificent white dress , was aboard the Toyota Tundra . The officers comforted him and brought him to safety.

The little feline was most likely taken into the care of Madison Animal Control . The latter will have to do his little investigation to find out who it belongs to. Are its holders the suspects or other people? Are they the owners of the stolen vehicle or the burglarized residence in Windsor Hills ?

In any case, the young cat receives care and attention while waiting to learn more about those around him and possibly put him up for adoption.