On January 18, in London, a woman returning from work made a discovery she will not soon forget: a plastic bucket containing a kitten, right in the middle of the street. She entrusted the feline in bad shape to RSPCA volunteers, who gave him all the love he needed to rebuild his life.

“ Times are tough, veterinary bills are a source of immense worry for many of us. “However, no matter how difficult the situation, abandoning a pet in this way is irresponsible and cruel ”: Dale Grant , RSPCA inspector , chose these words to describe the sad misadventure of Talisker , a kitten from 10 weeks old found on the streets of London on January 18, 2023.
A deliberate abandonment
That day, a woman came home from work and found a “ plastic bucket with a kitten in it,” next to which was “ a bag with litter, a blanket, cat food and toys .” It is therefore obvious that this cat belonged to someone before, and that it had just been deliberately abandoned.
The lady took him to her home for a few hours, but she quickly realized that she couldn’t help him properly. She then entrusted him to volunteers at the RSPCA (animal shelter), in the hope of giving him a better life. The battle for little Talisker was only just beginning, as MyLondon reports .

“ His right eye was terribly infected. It appeared ulcerated, and was so swollen that you couldn’t see his eyeball. Poor guy, he must have suffered horribly ,” added Dale Grant . The feline was immediately admitted to Finsbury Park Animal Hospital (veterinary clinic), where he “ stole the hearts ” of all the caregivers.
Talisker risks losing his eye to his infection, but this may be the best thing to do to help him. He is now well surrounded, and can count on the love of his benefactors to rebuild himself and regain strength. In the meantime, RSPCA investigators have launched an appeal for witnesses and made a telephone line available to find the person responsible for this cruel abandonment .