Garfield, the orange tabby from St. Petersburg, Florida, is one of the “most loved community cats” in the area. That’s what one community cat trapper and animal welfare advocate, Jessica Lee Kelly, said after getting a call about helping Garfield.

When Garfield got an abscess on his foot, there was an outpouring of love to help him. As it turns out, it was a green tidal wave of love. Staff, entertainers, and regular customers of the Oz Gentleman’s Club donated to help get the friendly boy whatever he needed.
Two years previously, Garfield was caught through TNR (trap, neuter, return) and returned to a community colony, where he became a beloved fixture. You can see the little twinkle in his eye, knowing he’s well-loved. And the ear-tip shows he was neutered and vaccinated before returning to the colony to live a more peaceful, happy life.

“Wanna see the most loved community cat who has so many people in his corner simply because he’s dependent upon them?! He was fixed approx 2 years ago through TNVR as a young one Oz Gentleman’s Club where the staff, entertainers and even regular customers all contribute to his day to day care,” shared Jessica.
Garfield the orange tabby gets support for his vet care
Garfield was Partying Late at the Club
Jessica Lee arrived to catch Garfield so he could get veterinary care, finding him partying at midnight. While he would have gotten veterinary care regardless, she was impressed by the show of support for this community cat. They all chipped in to ensure the kitty got the best care ASAP.
“When I got the call about a gnarly abscess on his foot, I said just get him contained and we can definitely help. I had no clue the outpouring of love that would come in with this handsomest boi! Of course, he came to me at midnight because club life… but I’m super flexible when it comes to cat help!”
As a community cat advocate, she hears people urging her to find homes for every friendly kitty. But in this case, Garfield and his colony have an impressive support system in place rivaling many house cats.
“Check out just how much people LOVE their community cats!? When people tell me I’m supposed to rehome every friendly cat, I think about the financial burdens of having a pet cat that some folks don’t even bother with. In comparison, this guy has a better support system than a lot of pets. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for loving your community cat clowder! 💕🎉” she shared.
Envelope for Garfield from the club
Returning Community Cats in Florida
Garfield is just one of so many community cats that kind TNR (trap, neuter, return) rescuers like Jessica are helping. While it’s exhausting work, she has “cat trap fever” and shared why she keeps going.
“I know it’s so exhausting, hard to juggle so much need, overwhelming at times, sad or depressing without good outcomes, a sacrifice of time and social aspects. But I absolutely love what I have the opportunity to do so much of. I cannot tell you the feeling in the soul to return community cats with a better daily life ahead than they’d ever have without being in one of our traps. It gives me butterflies, it makes me melt with joy (and sweat like a pig!) I couldn’t have asked for a more rewarding passion pit of a workload. I love cats so much, I want to see less of them. Trap, neuter, vaccinate, return,”