The Incredible Journey of Pêcheur, the Cat Who Defied the Odds and Endured the Removal of 20 cm of His Colon
For many animals who have set foot in a loving home, “life is a long, quiet river”. Pêcheur, a cat found hungry on the banks of the Seine, did not benefit from this luck. After experiencing the horrors of wandering, he crossed paths with volunteers from the An Ti Loened – La maison des Animaux association (Seine-et-Marne). Would he finally know peace? Unfortunately, the ex-barefoot who was plagued by health problems had to face new challenges… The Woopets editorial team went fishing for information to retrace the journey of this fighter.

“ It gives us pale mornings, and long desolate nights ,” Barbara sang about loneliness. The latter, dressed in her gray dress like a rainy day, escorted Fisherman on the paths of wandering. The animal, frighteningly thin, suffered hunger and the fury of bad weather.
It was a fisherman (hence his name) who put an end to his wanderings, after discovering him on the banks of the Seine . According to the An Ti Loened – La Maison des Animaux association which took care of him, the feline has no ill will towards men.
“ He is extremely kind ,” we can read on the organization’s Facebook page, “he is an extremely sociable cat who only seeks human presence. He would never have gone alone so far from any habitation. »
His past will certainly remain covered in a dark veil. As for its future, volunteers are working hard to make it bright. Placed in a foster family, the mustachioed man “ quickly gained weight, was identified, vaccinated, tested and castrated ”. New start !
“His host family, Charlotte, watches him like milk on fire”
Until now, “ all was well in the best of all possible worlds ”. Unfortunately, happiness vanished 2 weeks after his rescue. “ Suddenly and without any warning sign ”, Pêcheur was attacked by a high fever.
Without further ado, his benefactors took him to the vet. Despite the examinations, ultrasounds and x-rays carried out, the origin of his illness remained unknown. The more the hours passed with a big sardonic smile on his face, the worse his condition got…
The only track? Her particularly swollen stomach.
“ The veterinarian performs a laparotomy [surgical procedure consisting of opening the abdomen] to see what is happening inside. And here is the drama. His colon is perforated everywhere , explain the members of the association, the cause? We will never know her. One thing is certain, his infection has been present for a long time, because you can see that the body has tried to heal. »
During the operation, “ 20 cm of his colon were removed ”.
“ His vital prognosis is currently still engaged for 2 months ,” underlines a spokesperson for La maison des Animaux , “post-operative [phase] is difficult. His host family, Charlotte, watches him like milk on the stove. »

A very high veterinary bill…
“ They say that life is priceless. In the case of Pêcheur, it is €1,252.84 ,” she adds. Due to this pharaonic sum that the association owes to the veterinarian and which it does not have, a call for donations was launched on social networks.
Currently, the handsome Fisherman – who suffers from fecal incontinence – continues his convalescence. Its saviors smell a sweet scent of hope, and watch for the arrival of happiness. After all the ordeals he has gone through, this cat who offers us an incredible lesson in courage deserves his “happy ending”.