The community rallies together to locate a trucker’s cat, which was snatched from the truck in close proximity to a highway.
Leon Colbert takes his cat with him on all his trips. One day, the two were in a truck as usual and the driver stopped to take a break. The feline took the opportunity to escape from the vehicle and vanished. An immense outpouring of mutual aid was put in place to find him.

Charlie , also named Archi , is lucky to be able to spend all his days with his owner, Leon Colbert . The latter, a truck driver from Virginia (United States) , takes his red tabby with him to work every day. But the feline disappeared during a stop, and an entire community mobilized to find it. 14 news traced the facts.
Leon looked everywhere for his cat, in vain. He had disappeared near a highway, which made the situation more worrying. Hours passed without Charlie returning. He could be anywhere now, so his owner asked his loved ones for help.
Internet users contacted
Friends and family passed the message around, and it began to gain momentum. Charlie ‘s disappearance reached the ears of around ten people. They did not just integrate the information, they took matters into their own hands to find the animal.
Billboards were made and then sown in the four corners of Haubstadt , where he had disappeared. A Facebook group dedicated to the disappearance of the hairball has been opened. He quickly gathered hundreds of members, who continued to relay his photo.

“It feels good to smile again”
Eventually, a woman spotted a ginger cat playing with an insect. Thanks to social media, she knew it was Charlie. To find out, she called him and he came towards her. This reassured her in the idea that she had just found Leon ‘s faithful friend .
After a moving reunion, the man warmly thanked the people who had been involved in the search: “ We appreciate everything you did to bring us together, ” he wrote. He continued to post news about Charlie on the group open at the time of his disappearance.