When rescuers found Roscoe, they were shocked to see the poor dog chained up in the snow. His family left him in an abandoned house with some straw to keep him warm. They tied him to a crate, and drove by once a week to give him some kibble. But no matter what happened, he […]
Dog New
This Adorable Corgi Has Over 50k Followers Who Fall In Love With His Adventures
Erico, or Erico Bear, is an adorable Corgi and a social media star in his native Japan. His life is chronicled on the Ericobear Instagram page. His Instagram account has more than 50k followers who are in love with his cute pictures and videos. People follow him because they love him and the adorable adventures […]
Elderly Woman Hated Neighbor’s Pit Bull And Called Him A Bad Breed – Until He Saved Her Life
Simba is a 4-year-old pitbull who lives with his owner, Arjanit Mehana, in an apartment building in Sweden. The sweet dog loves everyone and loves making new friends. But unfortunately, many folks in the building don’t like Simba and some of them even hate him. Arjanit M. Despite the dog’s friendly personality, some of the […]
Patient Woman Manages To Get Her 17 Cats and Dogs To Sit Still For A Family Photo
Most pet owners like taking pictures of their pets and talking about how cute they are. However, taking photographs of pets is very difficult and can become a struggle without end. Getting one pet, whether it’s a cat or dog, to sit still for a photo is sometimes close to impossible, so many of us […]
20+ Perfect Dog Photos That Can Change Minds Of Cat Lovers
As a cat lover for many years, it may be very hard for you to imagine that you would ever become a dog owner. However, your feelings towards dogs will change when you see our dog pictures below. These pictures will whisper into your ears, “Hey, join the dog side; it’s just full of joy […]