All dogs start as small, adorable puppies who perfectly fit in your laps. They love to crawl into your lap for hugs, cuddles, and kisses, and no reason should change if they happen to grow up to be bigger than you. However, they grow up such fast that sometimes you may not realize just how […]
Dog New
20 Photos Proving That Dogs Are A Great Source For A Good Mood
We all know that life is not always happy, but don’t worry because there are many simple ways to improve our mood when we’re feeling down. Each person has different ways of dealing with pain, but if you’re a dog lover and you are looking for something to help you boost your mood, feel more […]
20 Photos Of Beautiful Friendships Between Cats And Dogs
We have carried the stereotype in our subconscious mind that dogs and cats are naturally antagonistic toward each other, but do they have to be arch-enemies? Our best friends can become friends with each other. Although dogs and cats are certainly different, there is plenty of evidence that they can find common ground and even […]
Family Surprises Boy At School By Reuniting Him With His Lost Dog
Christmas is coming, but instead of looking forward to the holidays, the Licata family was met with an unthinkable tragedy – their beloved dog Piper suddenly went missing. The tragedy happened when April Licata let Piper and her other dog out to ‘go potty’. And when she opened the door to let them in, Piper […]
Senior Shelter Dog Falls Asleep On His Human Lap After Realizing He Is Finally Safe
Puppies are typically adopted at higher rates than adult or older dogs. Many people are not interested in adopting these senior dogs because they are not as playful and sweet as puppies. That is the reason why senior shelter dogs often find themselves waiting a long time for their forever homes. Jack is a 13-year-old […]