Dog with massive tumour on her leg couldn’t barely walk, begs for help It’s hard to explain this rescue. Not because it was tough but because it is heart-breaking to witness a dog that must have been in great pain for months. She is afraid, for all she knows is never ending pain. I have […]
Dog New
“Despite being homeless and lacking shelter, a compassionate man with a kind heart is resolute in his commitment to care for over 20 dogs and prevent them from being separated.”
With a homeless situation, Mr. Vo Van Thanh (54 years old, native of Binh Duong) daily roams the streets of Ho Chi Minh City collecting ticks and bottles for a living. At the intersection of Hong Bang Street with Nguyen Thi Nho (District 5), a picture of a three-wheeler containing nearly 20 dogs, with the […]
“We saved a distressed dog with a wound in her head and introduced her to a companion who will bring newfound happiness to her life.”
Michi may look like a gorgeous, cuddly teddy bear, but she didn’t always look this way. When we found Michi, she was wandering the streets of Bali with a life-threatening and painful head injury. We knew that she needed to get to a vet ASAP, but when we tried to rescue her, she ran into […]
“The compassionate firefighter adopted a distressed dog he rescued from a fire, a dog who had suffered abuse and abandonment at the hands of a heartless owner.”
In early September, Iowa firefighter Malcolm Cortner took a routine call. A residential building was on fire. But people, fortunately, were out of danger. Nevertheless, one living creature fell into a fiery trap. It was a one and a half year old dog, a mastiff. It was Malcolm who had the privilege of taking the […]
“Disturbing Predatory Encounter: Electric Python Targets Baby Monkey, Cornered by Protective Mother Monkeys.”
Pythoп α lαrge poυпces αпd strαпgled α Moпkey α dozeпs of priмates sмαll swαм α sυrroυпd the pythoп iп α iп ʋaiп to saʋe their frieпd The pythoп is seeп iп video footage of oпe of the wild мoпkeys αloпg α мoυпtαiп roαd iп PrαchυαƄ Khiri Khαп, soυtherп Thαilαпd. It cυrled υp aroυпd the мoпkey, […]