Buying a puppy has never been so easy: one click is all that it takes. Thousands are sold online every year. Most of them come from puppy farms, either in the UK or abroad; online sales are the perfect way to hide the dreadful conditions the pups are born into. With , rescues are often […]
Dog New
Video of woman abandoning four dogs goes viral
The video of a woman abandoning four dogs at a vacant lot in San Antonio, Texas, has gone viral and caused widespread outrage. In the video, taken on Friday 13 April by a local resident, she is spotted forcing her four dogs out of a car. The resident who took the video can be heard […]
Great Debate: are we becoming too dependent on dogs?
Dogs are man’s best friend for a reason: from police work to rescue, there is little they cannot do. A well-trained dog can help with so much more than just lack of vision, mobility or hearing: people with a vast array of mental health problems can benefit hugely from having a service dog in their […]
Style to Rescue: the first grooming competition for rescue dogs
UK’s first grooming competition for rescue dogs, ‘Style to Rescue’, takes place this month. Rescue dogs from all over the country are invited to be treated like Crufts Champions at the first-ever grooming competition specifically for rescue dogs, Style to Rescue, taking place on Saturday May 19at Stoneleigh, near Kenilworth, Warwickshire. Style to Rescue is all […]
Saving the Street Dogs of Cartagena, Colombia
Once notorious for its violent past, Colombia is quickly becoming a popular tourist destination. The city of Cartagena, with its historic old town, colonial architecture and location on the Caribbean Sea is a particular tourist draw. The city is also a UNESCO World Heritage Site. As in many other cities in Latin America however, Cartagena […]