Sometimes stray cats choose us and make us the most happy owners in the world. Baby, an adorable kitten with gray fur, made her mistress’s dream come true by inviting herself into her life. The latter looked back on their meeting, not without emotion.

Baby didn’t know it yet, but by inviting herself into the garden of strangers, she gave herself the best possible start in life. The story of this young cat is so beautiful that it’s like a fairy tale, as told by Newsweek .
Fearful beginnings
For Baby , it all started a few days ago. The feline had taken refuge in a garden , without knowing that humans would reach out to her. “ My husband spotted a tiny kitten […] who was very scared,” says his rescuer on TikTok. She tried to run away as soon as we left the house. »
His fears seemed as great as his appetite! “ We put her food outside, and she came back to eat 5 or 6 times. We made sure she always had something to eat. She was afraid of the slightest noise […] It must have been her first meal in a long time ,” continues her benefactress.
The latter ended up discovering that the feline had hidden in a hedge, but that it was impossible to reach her with bare hands. “ Someone lent us a trap so we could save her,” she explains . I was sad to see her alone outside. »
The next morning, the feline entered the trap, a place where she was finally “ safe ”. Her fears had not faded, but her benefactress knew that she would do everything possible to take good care of her.
A fabulous new beginning
To start, she took her to a vet. “ We learned that it was a small female. She was very thin , and was around 8 weeks old ,” explains her rescuer.
The kitten, named Baby , joined the home of her benefactors, and she never left it again. There, she met her “ feline sister ”, named Piper , and learned the codes of indoor life day after day. “ After 2 small accidents, she managed to use the litter box ,” rejoiced her rescuer.
Today, Baby never leaves the arms of the woman who saved her from the street. The two have formed a precious bond and are never without each other. “ I’m so happy she chose me.” Having met her in such a way is like a dream come true for me ,” concluded his mistress.