The most ᴜпᴜѕᴜаɩ moments with snakes that were сарtᴜгed on camera Few people like snakes, and the bigger the snake, the more fгіɡһteпіпɡ it looks. There’s something mуѕteгіoᴜѕ and mystical about these creatures. Many people believe that snakes have the gift of hypnosis. There are many ɩeɡeпdѕ about them, but many stories are just fісtіoп. […]
A mother elaborates on her daughter’s legal name change, attributing it to Down syndrome.
The time I changed my kid’s name… I used to wonder why in the world parents would change their own child’s name after the fact. (I see you Amy Schumer.) But, yet, here I am absolutely delighted with a name change certificate in my hand. Finally officially making Pip my daughter’s name. You see, 8 […]
A child adopted from before, a baby in the womb, an infant at the breast with two biological children, and a woman who unexpectedly becomes a mother.
Los padres, Stephanie y AJ, de Ohio, EE. UU., tenían un gran deseo de ser un rebaño completo. Con dos hijos biológicos y un hijo adoptado, Stephanie Hollifield y su esposo AJ querían cumplir su sueño de tener una familia numerosa y buscaron adoptar otro niño, escribe Love What Matters. La pareja estaba nerviosa por […]
A woman embraces motherhood to a 15-month-old baby following the passing of her spouse.
Julie Wilson (36), de Cleveland, Ohio, ʟᴏsᴛ su esposo Travis (45) en febrero de 2019. Más tarde dio a luz a su hijo. Cᴀɴᴄᴇʀ. Una palabra con la que la mayoría de nosotros tenemos una conexión. Ya sea porque usted mismo ha estado enfermo, conoce a alguien que lo ha estado o simplemente tiene miedo […]
Mother of three bursts into laughter upon receiving an unexpected surprise—a child with Down syndrome in her mid-forties.
In their mid-forties, Jennifer Jones and her husband were surprised to find out they were expecting their fourth child. With twin 14-year-olds and an 11-year-old, the surprise new addition to the family was shocking enough. Then the couple was told their baby had Down Syndrome. Courtesy of Jennifer Jones “The Down syndrome diagnosis hit me […]