Wildebeest is a special animal because of its strange shape, combining the head and horns of a cow, a horse’s tail with a highlight of a long black plumage. Leopards are very cunning animals and require a lot of ambush ability to catch their prey. They usually wait until their prey is at its most […]
Powerless Mother Giraffe Watches in Horror as Lions Savage Her Helpless Fawns
Giraffes are so skilled in self-defense that even lions can only attack when they are with other members of the herd. Giraffe’s legs are very strong and have thick, pointed hooves, about 30 cm long. The kick of a deer can kill a lion. In the video, nearly 15 lions surrounded and attacked a giraffe, […]
Lions Assert Their Dominance on the Savannah, Astonishing Humans with Their Relentless Pursuit of Kudu Antelopes
The scene of the majestic lion gallantly walking in the middle of the boulevard. All vehicles are stationary or moving slowly and do not want to be noticed by the lion. The video was filmed by a woman sitting in a car, next to the sound of a child. Surely this was a sight that […]
A defenseless and frail little kitten lies still on the road… Ignored by passersby!.
Hello everyone. A small, motionless, and seemingly dreadful kitten lay on the road. Passersby approached and realized that the strange furry ball was just a small, weak but still alive kitten. The victim was urgently transported under the care of the shelter volunteers. Eye injuries, fractured leg and hip, dislocated jaw – these are just […]
Little does she know that during her shelter visit to adopt a kitten, she will also be charmed by the irresistible appeal of a “grumpy” cat.
When you don’t take the time to get to know Igor, you feel like you’re in the presence of an angry cat who is constantly on guard. It’s his unique face that gives this impression, when in fact he is extremely gentle. At the shelter, we expected him to have trouble attracting potential adopters, but luck smiled […]